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Technological groups

CAKT | Content Analysis and Knowledge Technologies

The group brings together researchers and developers covering a variety of domains related to Natural Language Processing, Data Mining, Machine Learning, Knowledge Representation and Visualization under a common aim. The aim is to develop top-notch, scalable and widely adoptable methods and system solutions for multi-modal content analysis, knowledge representation and management.

CER | Complex Event Recognition Group

The group has been developing formal computational methods which take as input streams of low-level events, e.g. sensor-based events, such as a change in temperature, and combine them to infer complex high-level events of interest, such as the start of a fire incident or a fault in the cooling system of a vehicle.
Visit the [website]

DEG | Data Engineering Group

The group has carried out research along three closely related axes: (1) The automated homogenization and integration of distributed databases, especially in the Semantic Web context; (2) Distributed data, Big data and private and sensitive data management & processing; (3) Programming languages for processing workflows over big volumes of data or high-speed data streams.
Visit the [website]

RoboSKEL | Robotics Activity

Roboskel aims at building robots that can be actually integrated into our society. Our work revolves around three pillars: a) Developing ethical-by-design methods for AI robots; b) Pursuing real-world and real-time performance; and c) Exchanging knowledge with the society.
Visit the [website]

ID-IS | Intelligent Data-Intensive Systems

ID-IS undertakes research that lies in the wider area of AI, focusing on the use of intelligent e-infrastructures, deep learning, data-intensive computing or big data solutions in order to support cross-disciplinary scientific applications and research.

application teams

BioHIT | Biomedical and Health Informatics Team

BioHIT is a team that focuses on machine learning, data mining, knowledge representation and visualisation, as well as combination of heterogeneous data resources with already established knowledge. Advanced methods from these areas are applied to biomedical and health data and corresponding infrastructure is developed and maintained.

> Visit BioHIT’s website

Artifact | Artificial Intelligence for Culture

The Artifact team connects AI with culture through projects that combine digitisation technology with cultural practices.

DICE | Artificial Intelligence Centre of Excellence on Document Intelligence

DICE is an AI Centre of Excellence focusing on document intelligence. Its purpose is to develop novel AI methods for use cases related to business documents. The aspiration for this centre is to become a reference centre when it comes to AI for business documents. > Visit DICE website